Le chien qui danse

Case study : le chien qui danse, creation of e-commerce website. We developed this solution as a team of two designers within a two-week timeframe. Our research covered all phases of the design thinking process. It's a flower shop created by Nina in 2022 in Montpellier.
She offers dried and fresh flowers, decorations, workshops, as well as events. In a responsible approach, she promotes a circular, local, organic, and upcycling economy.

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We used the design thinking method for this case study. Initially, we focused on Nina to understand her needs. Nina experiences quiet periods in her business during school holidays; she needs this e-commerce site from a business perspective to continue increasing her revenue and enhancing her reputation. Then, by looking into Nina's work and conducting secondary research, we discovered that dried flowers align with Nina's ecological commitments and values. We continued our user research to better focus on the needs.


Competitive and values matrices helped us converge towards a problem and hypotheses. Nina needs an e-commerce site to sell dried flowers because she wants to offer her products not only to her neighborhood customers but throughout France. We'll know we're right once we have the number of orders in a month.

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During the design of the e-commerce site, we aimed to adhere to established standards in the field of electronic commerce to ensure its reliability. However, we also sought to create added value by showcasing the personality and creativity of the florist. Our goal was to ensure that the site reflects the trust traditionally placed in a local merchant, giving it a human and warm aspect.


To bring these ideas to life, we drew inspiration from the artisanal and convivial spirit of the south of France. Leveraging these regional values, we began designing our Low-fi and Mid-fi prototypes.


After developing our prototypes, we subjected them to usability tests to assess their functionality and user-friendliness. These tests allowed us to gather valuable feedback, including the suggestion to integrate a calendar allowing users to book a specific date. We then used the Eisenhower matrix to prioritize this feedback and determine the features to incorporate into our Hi-fi prototype.